Sales Call Conversion Tracker Template

Sales Call Conversion Tracker Template


Tracking is always an important task in your business to visually see business growth but, especially when you are ready to scale to achieve specific client conversion numbers & profits. This Google Sheet Workbook helps you track your sales calls & calculate your sales conversion rates to know how well your verbal sales skills are…


Tracking is always an important task in your business to visually see business growth but, especially when you are ready to scale to achieve specific client conversion numbers & profits.

This Google Sheet Workbook helps you track your sales calls & calculate your sales conversion rates to know how well your verbal sales skills are at converting leads into clients. Plus, it makes it easy to identify how many leads & calls you need to achieve your profit goals.

Inside this workbook template, you get 2 pages:

  • Page 1- Monthly Sales Conversion Rates- to calculate & record your Monthly Sales Conversion Rates from month to month
  • Page 2- Sales Call Tracker- to record your Sales Call information to easily calculate your conversion rates on page 1. (You will need to duplicate this page to track for future years.)


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